Historically black colleges and universities continue to produce talented African American students every decade. While many hip hop artists are not college educated and do not promote any type of education in their performance, Iyana tells it like it is with her Spelman college degree in the frame.
“I recently graduated from Spelman College with an English degree,” she mentions. Her degree from a top women’s college gives her an outlet to do freelance editorials and playwright work, but still remain true to her passion and gift of words. And having that loner, stoner, rolling stone identity is what defines her musical expression.
“That phrase is just a play on words. It is representative of my introverted nature that allows me space to create and express myself. Rolling stone is a representation of how I feel about my music. As I grow older I evolve, so does my music,” she begins.
YaNi. Yana. Yan-Star. Blues babi. Brown eyed bandit. Rebel with applause. The wicked word wizard has many nicknames from her supporters and those in her circle, but gaining those Atlanta individuals to have her back entailed hard work through her live performances and networking. “I gained fans andsupporters in Atlanta by performing at Apache Cafe, Sugarhill, the 40 Watt, in the AUC, at Georgia State, Agnes Scott College, UGA, and coffee shops throughout the city. At Spelman I gained a name for myself as a hip hop/spoken word artist. The AUC had been a firm base of support in past years,” Iyana says.
At the Perfect Attendance showcase this weekend, some audience members only expect to hear some good music and have some drinks; however, Iyana’s performance may be significant to the Jerry Springer show circa the late 90s. “On January 2nd, you can expect objects to fly in the air!” she exclaims. It is her initial involvement with Fadia Kader that came from her name being thrown in the air from several projects.
“I’ve been in Atlanta for a while, from Spelman, I worked with Jaspects on their second album as well as their most recent album. In addition, a rapper named Small Eyez put me on his project “Vipassana.” The rest is sort of history.” And this history consists of many of the other Perfect Attendance performers. She’s freestyled with Corinne Stevie on a regular, Eva Kennedy has commended her on past performances, and Khaos Da Rapper cooked for her. “I’m very cool with Corinne Stevie, we've free styled a couple times at my house. Eva has seen me perform with Jaspects at Sugarhill in 2008. Khaos makes a mean turkey burger!” Iyana adds.
Iyana’s activism through her music is admirable. Her work with The Promiscuity Project in Michigan was a presentation of safe sex and protecting one’s body through films and live performances. The project allowed for the performance of a track that has a deeper meaning than its name.
“I loved being a part of this project because I was able to share my song "Rushin Roulette" as a form of activism. The song centers around using protection, men on the down low, and having children out of wedlock. In this song I speak to my listeners on several levels about the importance of knowing your status and forming healthy relationships,” she informs us.
Things we can expect from Iyana in 2010 are an international tour and some filming. “I’m doing it on a whole other level. I will be in Holland and Czech Republic on my European tour entitled "The Peace Chronicles". I leave the states on January 19th. I am in the beginning stages of a mini-documentary that will be entitled "Love Lost:Stories of Unrequited Love and Loss". But what she can expect in 2010 is more recognition of her industry twin. “At least twice a day I am told I look like Erykah Badu,” she laughs but loves. Iyana believes Erykah Badu said it best, “Change is inevitable and the music I make is ever-changing.”
Rushin' Roulette
Iyana is on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. So get to know her and check her out!
Every artist has those embarrassing facts about them that they hate to love but share with their fans and haters alike. Lyric Jones is just gonna say it.
“I usually don’t tell many people this because it sounds bad but it’s really not,” she starts and it gets better. “I really didn’t start seriously writing rhymes until Lil’ Bow Wow. “And I was a little girl so I had a crush on him too. I used to rewrite his verses how a girl would say it. Of course I was better though. People were just not ready,” her up North accent takes over. And they’re still not ready for the makeover Lyric Jones is giving the industry.
“When I was first getting into music and I decided that I really want to do this I was fourteen, fifteen years old. There was no real female representation then. As I got older I realized that it hasn’t changed. The hip hop community feels the same. Deep down we all want the Lauryn Hills back and Lil Kim back as a role model. That’s what I mean by makeover. Just bring it authentic. The industry is full of people who are not real.”
The former Berklee School of Music student shows the real musicianship that she wants to see in the industry in everything she does. A jazz drummer, vocalist, and rapper, her knowledge of instrumentalism and lyricism lie mostly in her relationship with a Boston rapper and college credits.
“Radar was a rapper I met when I was fifteen while dating a guy at Berklee. He’s taught me everything I know since then.” He convinced her to add Jones to her name, become an emcee, and become extremely knowledgeable about the industry she wants to change. “The City Music program is in the Berklee music program here in Boston. I started in my sophomore year in high school. I was fifteen around Berklee students that were twenty-one. These were my friends and they taught me a lot of what I know. I learned so much,” she explains. It’s her acquaintances with music and words that gets her compared to the same three talented emcees.
“Queen Latifah. Lauryn Hill. MC Lyte. I can see me in Queen Latifah. She just said “Fuck it, I wanna do jazz!” and Queen is a role model. I can see Lauryn Hill too. She sings, she raps, the content. And MC Lyte has a great delivery,” Jones says. Vocally, her voice can remind you of Jill Scott, Anita Baker, and other soul favorites that she hopes to emulate.
Simply knowing somebody through somebody put her on with the Perfect Attendance showcase indefinitely. “Twitter really helps. I’m following Fadia Kader was tweeting heavy during A3C and to SMKA. I know 808 Blake from SMKA through school at UGA. Daru, a good friend of mine from Berklee is in Brittany Bosco’s band. So I was familiar with Fadia through several people. Fort Knox may have put her up on me, but she called me three hours before the showcase photo shoot and that was it.”
And keeping that buzz in Atlanta going is important to her cause at times it can be hard to keep a singing crowd and a rapping crowd entertained at the same time. “I was having a dilemma of how to engage my audiences. I have two different audiences. I have a super soul/r&b audience and a thorough boom back hip hop audience and of course the audience that will rock with me whatever. The shows I’m getting asked to do sometimes segregate my audiences. That’s why I like Perfect Attendance; I can do what I want.”
In 2011, she’s gonna keep doing what she wants to make sure everyone continues to have a’ jones for lyrics’. The phrase that is a play on her name says more about her love for what she does and can do. “It has a meaning of my love for words, my love for playing with words. Either you’re gonna love my music or you’re gonna love me. And who wouldn’t love me I’m undeniable!”
Until that year from now, no upcoming project is more important than her broadcast journalism degree from University of Georgia. “2010 is really blank slate. Everybody got these big plans. New decade, but in 2010, I’m just trying to graduate. I’m looking more forward to 2011.” But before 2011, you will hear some mixtapes and collaborations from lady Lyric that will bring a wow factor through your speakers.
“I’m always looking for that wow factor. Stuff has to be inspiring, it can’t just be good. If I have the wow factor in the track, then I have the wow factor in the verse. Then I can get the “What did she just say?!” bring it back.
She said bring it back.
Nothing Hindering Me
More Jones for you at her Official website, MySpace Music Page, and Twitter.
I don't know all the semantics of decades and all that mess but it is a new year! And don't get it twisted, I am excited about the new year because 2009 sucked worse than my cat knocking the trash can over and eating everything in it! This year, whether you made a resolution or not, I am gonna ask you to leave the drama way back wherever you can. Cause 2010 is gonna be huge for Miss Solow Dolow, my readers/supporters, and those who rock with me elsewhere. We are kicking the new year off with my favorite song of 2009!!! Love you all and enjoy your New Years Day!!!!
I know I said the previous low was gonna be the absolute last one but I couldn't help when all these tracks rushed me this past weekend! So, Hot 107.9 Jingle Bash in Atlanta was this past weekend. Full of Young Money mess. But I digress cause I didn't bother myself to go. Maybe next year.
I got some heat for you guys! New Muffy feat. Gucci Mane, a super hot compilation of five female emcees, pretty recent Naledge (Yoooo!), amongst more! As Drake bids farewell to his career for 2010, Skills bids farewell to 2009 for us. And I love the video for this list! I embedded just for you guys, it's just that good. You can never go wrong with a Lady Gaga cover! Enjoy! Have a great new year! I shall see you on the other side of 2009!
Side Note: Don't mind that picture of Nicki Minaj. Death to the Barbie and life to the Bratz!
1. Stahhr, Saroc, Boog Brown, Khalilah Ali, and Rita J - Breakdown
2. Reflection Eternal feat. Jay Electronica, Mos Def, and J. Cole - Just Begun
3. Diamond feat. Cee-Lo - Superbad
4. Naledge - Lemonade and Crown Royal
5. Tanya Morgan - Posted
6. Muffy feat. Gucci Mane - Get Em Girls
7. Kid Sister -Down Azz Jawn
8. Amanda Blank feat. Santogold - A Love Song
9. Drake - It's Been A Pleasure
10. Skillz - 09 Wrapup
Bonus Video - The Cliks Frontman Lucas Silveira - Bad Romance Cover Acoustic Version
“Lil wayne gotta be number one,” Khaos Da Rapper says. She has been matched up to many, but only accepts a few. “All dope comparisons but so many. I'm me! I don't even watch TV or listen to the radio. With the exception of maybe Lauryn[Hill] and MIA a little bit what you hear is purely Khaos,” she explains.
The up north native moved to Atlanta,Ga five years ago in search of something new and that’s exactly what she got.
“This was a totally new scene to me,” Khaos Da Rapper begins. And interestingly enough, gaining new fans for Khaos was not the hard part. It was showing them everything she was capable of that took more time than she expected. “I sing. I rap. I do exactly what I'm feeling like at that moment. I don't classify me. I make ‘whatever music.’ I have totally different sounds, feelings, emotions and my acapellas are ridiculous! No beat needed.”
On Saturday night, Khaos wants to take the crowd overseas. “I'm taking my audience on the tour in my head. Where I'm from,” she describes. Many will be enjoying her show on January 2nd because she is always up on everything and her entrance into the Perfect Attendance experience shows this.
“When it comes to Fadia Kader events and showcases, I believe in support and I’ve been to a Perfect Attendance this past summer. Fadia told me she'd be doing an all female addition and she wanted to put me on!” Khaos expresses great excitement.
Khaos relationship with the other Perfect Attendance artists is great. She’s great friends with Corinne Stevie and Richelle L. Brown. Hopefully their collaboration track will be released soon. She does add that she’d love to work with all of them. Boom Box Muzic will definitely give her that opportunity.
Boom Box Muzic started out as a production company that consisted of Khaos and her New Jersey colleagues. In 2010, it is expected to become an all digital record label that she’s dreamed of since she was a teen. “It’s my destiny and what I've been doing since I was about 16. We help every ‘artist’ bring life to their art and find the best way to get it to their fans. Also, we build new ones the way they did it back when music way super dope.”
Because of Boom Box, Khaos says we can look forward to different yet diverse music. “We make whatever music so expect a great line-up of whatever artist. From rock and rap to this and that.” And although she won’t be an artist on her own label, she still plans to develop real artists. In the new year, she is focused on developing herself.
“New year? New management. Collaborations? I've been doing tons of writing. I gotta! Placements? Possibly,” she exclaims. Her upcoming project can simply be explained as something special but don’t expect a release date. “I honestly don't give a fuck, but this is a big year for me,” she says. “I’m gonna bring everyone to where I'm at, at that very moment! That could be anywhere, so stay tuned.
Mackin Hangin'
Check out more of Khaos' performance and music videos at her Youtube spot, become a fan on Facebook, add her on MySpace, and tweet her. She's an all around internet personality!
Prepare to be dazed on January 2nd by an afro-punk individual with a powerful future ahead of her. Dolldaze wants everyone in her audience to get high and truly let go in order to feel the heart and enthusiasm of her music.
“My stage performance is my release so anything is bound to happen. I aim to blackout,” the alternative crooner says with excitement. Her one and only known comparison to Tina Turner leaves her wondering if she’s in a genre all her own. At the forefront of this different singing class, she expresses that “The leader will lead” and hard work is necessary to make that happen.
“I have been performing my ass off! The performance is the biggest factor in the spread of the music and the brand theDolldaze,” she emphasizes. Those performances may or may not have led Fadia Kader to her manager, but it certainly led her to a spot on the lineup for Perfect Attendance; however, her shows did get her kudos from another upcoming Perfect Attendance performer staHHr. “I’ve seen her performance many times. She's a great artist.” the Atlanta OG in hip hop adds.
Dolldaze herself would love to work with some other cool Atlanta ladies, Corinne Stevie and Richelle L. Brown. “They have pure honest vibes. I like the tunes and art they put out,” she shares.
And she does not ask for much. When she started taping her Dollhouse video blogs, her expectations lied no further than everyone getting to know her and her music. “I am just a down to earth chick from Atlanta trying to put some good vibes out in the universe. I am just out here trying to put dynamic music out. I love the alternative.” So far she’s received great feedback but there is always that one. “Everything is not for everybody so you will always have your naysayers. But it's all good,” Dolldaze explains.
Her work with the guitar creates meaningful and enlightening sounds of beauty, so the naysayers can say what they want. Lyrically, her “Words” are strong and flow fiercely with each cord she pierces. Her upcoming presentations include "Iluminate the Sky", a track on the “Noise Porn,” compilation from the online publication Art Nouveau magazine. It was her experience completing “Acid Report: The Missing Peace” that was the most thrilling. She was involved from the writing to the arranging to the mastering. It was her first attempt at production and work with a band, but it was successful. She looks forward to working with them beyond the EP. It was something special for her. “I feel connected because I feel I am doing something a bit outside of the mainstream.”
Coming soon is her “Mystic Novel” project, which may not be released all at once, but its separation will get you amp-ed for what’s yet to come. Until then, enjoy the new year. The dazed one “Sends dazed love and hugs your way for this Holiday season!”
Unwrap You(for the holidaze ya'll)
Find more theDolldaze at her MySpace Music Page and Twitter. New website coming soon!
An email from Fadia Kader to become apart of what many are awaiting this weekend shed light on one of the most imaginative and inventive creatures in Atlanta. She can hang amongst the visual artists and roll with the musical punches. Miss Corinne Stevie does it all. Never a routine morning or evening, a day in the life of this artsy individual will show her versatility from all aspects of the industry. “A day in my life can vary. I could be doing anything from working on music to sketching for a painting,” Stevie tells me. The "Day in the Life" cut off her Beatles hip hop homage “Strawberry Fields in the Sky” explains the many things you can catch her doing daily. Stevie’s definition of art begins with her, moves to paper, jumps to canvas, and eventually comes out through her performances. She does admit that her dancing can be hit or miss. “My dance moves can be random. I'm all over the place when I perform.” Her dancing is not the only thing that can be all over the place. Her life between Miami and Atlanta puts her between her hustle and her family, but her dedication to what she does and who she is brings her the fan base she’s always wanted with her art and music. “I've been myself. I'm really passionate about my art and craft so any opportunity I get to share it I will,” Miss Stevie expresses. She definitely shares her gifts through Art Nouveau. The online publication is about people, culture, music, art, and life. As a major contributor and illustrator to the magazine, her work is displayed throughout the web site. Her collaborations do not stop there. Along with her EP covers, an upcoming children’s book, and being the first music artist on the publication’s music label; Stevie's doing a lot. She sees herself everywhere. Expect her to be all over the place on January 2nd. She’s excited about the performers and what the showcase is going to do for all of them. “It’s exciting to be apart of something like this. There's nothing like it and so much talent. It’s gonna be a good show and some good music.” Nothing more and nothing less. Too Shy (Gotdion Remix) See, hear, and speak more Corinne Stevie at her MySpace Pages(and www.myspace.com/corinnef), Blog, Twitter, and Art Nouveau.
“F.E.M.C.E.E.? I just stopped using it. Some people loved it and others hated it. Change comes as you grow.,” a well-known female MC of Atlanta hip hop tells me. She’s been on the Atlanta music scene since 1992, but she is far from done with her message to support, empower, and strengthen all humankind. Even since then people have somewhat tried to change her. “People have tried to change my name, add to my name. They’ll change the spelling of it, but I’m formally and professionally known as staHHr.”
Stahhr is known to many as a female wordsmith and an empress. The hook up with Fadia Kader for the Perfect Attendance showcase was as simple as a phone call and a common ‘my people will get back to your people.’
While she awaits an optimistic future collaboration with what she quickly considered the phenomenal Dolldaze, she is excited to see what the other women of the showcase have to offer on January 2nd. As for her, just straight Golden Era, love, life, energetic hip hop can be expected from the stage into the crowd.
Recently, more than ever, it is through her lyrics that she wants you to focus on the balance between content quality and quantity she is helping to create in hip hop.
“Music is really powerful. If you’re listening to something that’s calling you a bitch all day or telling you you’re good for sex and you keep listening, then you’ll start believing in that. It’s programming. That’s something that will always exist we can’t get rid of it. I just want it to be balanced. It needs to be balanced,” she recognizes in the current state of hip hop. But this does not stop her from acknowledging those, including herself, that are gradually making that balance happen for the people. “A lot of local people are doing a great job; Mike Lo, Supanova Slom, and Diamond District. Jay Electronica does a good job of balancing consciousness with royal lyricism and bringing a street edge to it.”
Her belief is that consistency was and still is the key to her gaining and keeping fans since actively performing on the Atlanta scene since 1998. “I’ve seen it go from two females in a cipher at Underground Atlanta to what it is now. I support people and I try to keep something out there, even if it’s just a collaboration or a mixtape. Internet promoting and I guess word of mouth promoting. Aligning myself with people who have an audience and open you up to new fans and other audiences. Consistency is the number one thing.”
Stahhr understands that relationships in this industry are important. One relationship that started over a decade ago, led her to what many believe, myself included, will be a heavy hitting, head-turning project in 2010. She the Hard Way is a master alliance created by Atlanta hip hop legend DJ Sol Messiah. “I met Messiah in ’93 and we were finally able to work together.” Rhymists Rita J, Saroc, Khalilah Ali, Boog Brown, and Stahhr share one mic bringing professional content and talent. “Every sister that’s involved brings their own unique style. They are all strong lyrically and they are all strong performance wise.”
In the baby stages of a new album with producers from Iceland and a mashup Cd of gifted and significant women in Atlanta hip hop for 2010, Stahhr is definitely be shining in hip hop now, but expect her to be uplifting forever. “I’m all for empowerment definitely because I think the female voice is not heard often and then when it is you only hear two extremes and nothing in the middle. I guess I’m that middle.”
Check more of staHHr's music at her MySpace Music page or tweet her!
Her comparisons alone make you wonder and want to listen. “In no particular order, I’ve been compared to Cee-Lo, Beyonce, Erykah Badu, Kelis, Teena Marie, but they come so weird to me,” the earthy yet expressive being immediately begins to separate herself from the international talents.
Richelle Brown is some type of Soul. The singer has an energy that lives through her voice. “I’m full of burning bright fire that just wants to heat thangs up! I’m all about flying high, it’s my nature and it reflects in everything I am and in what I do!” When Fadia Kader, the head of Atlanta’s own Broke and Boujee, calls her to participate in the upcoming Perfect Attendance mixtape and showcase, she was game. Being familiar with the other artists on the mixtape makes her appearance on Perfect Attendance even better. “I’ve hung out with Eva Kennedy. She is really talented woman. I’ve also worked with Khaos and Corinne Stevie. We have not made a big deal about the track we worked on but we really should.”
Richelle Brown is some type of Blues. The first song she ever recorded was heart-felt and created a power in her to move forward no matter what others said about her in the past. “Swagga Black Country Queen is dedicated to my past obstacles and naysayers.” Her other songs and their concepts mean more than you can imagine. Just when no one can confidently criticize Berry Gordy’s The Last Dragon, Miss L. Brown found inspiration from the movie’s soundtrack. “"Super Funky Sounds" was inspired by Vanity's "7th Heaven" from the movie. It started out as a poem,” she says. And remember that bass the dirty south kicked it to in the 90s; she’s inspired by that too. “"Electric Funky Girl" is a flirty song inspired by the down south Freaknic bass music and 70s funk.”
Richelle Brown is some type of Rhythm. When Brown performs, it’s a celebration full of color, life, love, and high spirits. On January 2nd, Brown says the crowd can expect “the uplifting of Ma’at[Egyptian principle] within myself, raising my Kundalini[channeling her energy], some therapy, and just getting the crowd up to jam.” As for her other upcoming projects, “The song “Take it to the Next Extreme” with Khaos and Corinne Stevie is hot! It has a real nice 90s, West coast Dr. Dre and Devin Da Dude vibe. Other than that, because of priority shifts in my life, I’m intending to become a spiritual scholar and sharing it in my music as well as being fly at the same time; taking that old consciousness in music to the next level in sounds and vibrations.” She’s also hoping to do some major work with SMKA after the showcase, so lookout for that.
Two of the most talented musical and entertainment masterminds, SMKA and Fadia Kader, keep it coming for 2010 with the Perfect Attendance mixtape and showcase. Perfect Attendance is one of the few talent showcases in Atlanta where the winner actually stands to win something worthwhile and get feedback from people who aren't artists just like them...
Perfect Attendance is a monthly showcase presented by SMKA & Fadia Kader... providing you the most talented artists in the region. The first Perfect Attendance of 2010 features 9 of the most talented female Singers and MCs in the Atlanta area. The Perfect Attendance Mixtape Vol 1-2-10 presented by SMKA & Fadia Kader features 2 songs from each performer, hosted and mixed by Dub Floyd. There will be 5 MCs and 4 Singers performing for a chance to win a promotion prize package including:
Video EPK by PhiltheGod
Photo Shoot with Dustin Chambers
Consulting by Come Up Kids DVLPMT
8 Hrs of Studio Time @ S-Line Studios
Music Production & Studio Time with SMKA
Licensing Opportunity with Affix Music
All this week, leading up to one of the most anticipated showcases of the new year, I will providing interviews from each performer you see above. Check in everyday to see what these ladies have already brought to the mic and will be bringing to the stage January 2nd. First up tomorrow we have:
Richelle L. Brown
The mixtape came out about a month ago so you should have it already, but just in case you don't, download the Perfect Attendance Vol. 1-2-10 mixtape here to get a small taste of January 2nd. See you tomorrow!