MSD Profiles - Corinne Stevie

An email from Fadia Kader to become apart of what many are‭ ‬awaiting this weekend shed light on one of the most‭ ‬imaginative and inventive‭ ‬creatures in Atlanta.‭ ‬She can hang amongst the visual artists and‭ ‬roll‭ ‬with the musical punches.‭ ‬Miss Corinne Stevie does it all. ‭ ‬Never a routine morning or evening,‭ ‬a day in the life of this artsy individual will show her versatility‭ ‬from all aspects of the industry.‭ ‬“A day in my life can vary.‭ ‬I‭ ‬could be doing anything from working on music to sketching for a painting,‭”‬ Stevie tells me.‭ The "Day in the Life"‬ cut off her Beatles‭ ‬hip hop‭ ‬homage‭ ‬“Strawberry Fields in the Sky‭”‬ explains the many things you can catch her doing daily.‭ Stevie‭’‬s definition of art begins with her,‭ ‬moves to paper,‭ ‬jumps to canvas,‭ ‬and eventually comes out through her performances.‭ ‬She‭ ‬does‭ ‬admit that her dancing can be‭ ‬hit or miss.‭ ‬“My‭ ‬dance moves can be random.‭ ‬I'm all‭ ‬over the place when I perform.‭” Her dancing is not the only thing that can be all over the place.‭ ‬Her life between Miami and Atlanta puts her between her hustle and her family,‭ ‬but her dedication to what she does and who she is brings her the fan‭ ‬base she‭’‬s always‭ ‬wanted‭ ‬with her art and music.‭ ‬“I've been myself.‭ ‬I'm really passionate about my art and craft so any‭ ‬opportunity I‭ ‬get to share it I will,‭”‬ Miss Stevie expresses.‭ She definitely shares her gifts‭ ‬through Art Nouveau.‭ ‬The online‭ ‬publication‭ ‬is about people,‭ ‬culture,‭ ‬music,‭ ‬art,‭ ‬and life.‭ ‬As a major contributor and illustrator to the magazine,‭ ‬her work is displayed throughout the web site.‭ ‬Her‭ ‬collaborations do not stop there.‭ ‬Along with her EP covers,‭ ‬an upcoming children‭’‬s book,‭ ‬and being the first music artist on the publication‭’‬s music label‭; ‬Stevie's doing a lot. She sees herself everywhere.‭ ‬ Expect her to be all over the place on January‭ ‬2nd.‭ ‬She‭’‬s excited about the performers and what the showcase is going to do for all of them.‭ ‬“It‭’‬s exciting to‭ ‬be apart of something like this.‭ ‬There's‭ ‬nothing like it and‭ ‬so much talent.‭ ‬It‭’‬s gonna be a good show and some good music.‭”‬ Nothing more and nothing less.‭ ‬ Too Shy (Gotdion Remix) See, hear, and speak more Corinne Stevie at her MySpace Pages(and, Blog, Twitter, and Art Nouveau.