Rih Rih feat. The Snowman - Hard
Music by Singersroom.com | More on Rihanna New Rihanna track with Young Jeezy. I don't get down with Rih Rih like I used to, but it is what it is.
M1-2: Mistaken Identity - Kat Goduco Photography

Kanye Graduated!!!

The Low - Infinite Playlist

Mike Posner - One Foot Out the Door
Lil Wayne - No Ceilings

Worldwide and Unsigned: Mateo
I was gonna put this on "The Low"(my Infinite Playlist for the week), but the video makes it alot better.
I saw this over at Singersroom. I definitely want to give him some play. He's unsigned but he's making his mark. This is the beginning of me making my great attempt to be 2 years ahead of everybody on music. I'm already 1 and a half years ahead without the blog. =) Find more info about him at here.