(L to R: Mic Masters & Shot J)
“Say it with some feeling boy!” Mic Masters of the Fresh encourages enthusiasm in his partner, Shot J. “I’m just ready!” he continues. Originally a bigger entertainment group called the Genuine Fresh Style, the pair of an eager one and laid back other grew into their name the Fresh when they realized their sound was getting fresher and fresher since their start in 2005.
Both halves of the duo grew up with music in their households. Shot J was introduced because of the his genetic musical ties and Mic Masters fell in love with a Del La Soul album cover at grandpa’s house. The rest was unexpected history. Shot J, a DJ at heart with digital files as far as the eye can see, remains the technical side of their partnership and produces The Fresh’s main instrumentals and Mike takes care of the track lyrical substance.
When they were really getting into the industry over four years ago, Masters and J were coming in at a time when they feel Atlanta was at its’ peak. Fans and listeners would look to the song for its’ content and not the immediate catch of the chorus. With the change we’ve all seen in the past years with Atlanta music commercially, they are here to make sure content becomes the focus again.
“It was very grimy, lots of samples with a New York style, intelligent rap. It wasn’t about the hooks, like it is today. It was about what you said in the verse. People held that with a lot of esteem,” Shot J says. And they love Atlanta, from the Raheem the Dream days to going from Golden Glide all the way to Lenox. They respect and are pleased with what’s coming out of their town. “I’m proud to be from Atlanta. I never left. My home’s the best,” Mic exclaims with a big smile.
The Atlanta market is one of those things that is unpredictable and against the grain. “It’s one of those unique markets that have all the levels, very diverse. It’s a beautiful thing and we're glad to be apart of it,” adds Shot J.
And the camaraderie they experience in this Atlanta underground scene is priceless. The Fresh are fans and friends alike to the many that are trying to break through worldwide. Some of their favorite local artists are NiceGuise, Adult Porn Stars, Homebodies, Jaws of Life, and Perfect Attendance duo performers Clan Destined.
The releases throughout their underground career (7th Letter, The Chronicles of Mic Masters, and Tear Zero) are reminiscent of keeping everything in a ziploc bag. And like so, their time at Perfect Attendance on Saturday night will be a tight set of good music with some flavor at the end. They are releasing some new stuff that night that is sure to put the crowd on their side.
Their upcoming performance and summertime release, We Make Contact, is guaranteed to make noise across the nation and really put them in the place they want to be this year. "We made a pact years ago that every year we gotta be ahead of where we were the last year. So far, we've been doing it."
The Fresh
www.gfsnoise.comwww.twitter.com/thefreshstyle www.myspace.com/thefreshstyle